
“Dance My Heart Out”


Date:  October 20

Time: 4:00 PM

Place: Bethany Lutheran Church (4500 E. Hapmden Ave. Cherry Hills Village)


Under the theme “Dance My Heart Out”, the concert present playing with dance choral music representative of each era, including waltz, jazz, and tango etc. The CKC Festival Orchestra is consisted of half professionals and half scholastic student players who auditioned. The purpose of combining these two groups is to provide opportunities to the student level and also to exposure them to a diverse musical performance setting with the great music. Especially, the ‘Ain’t No Grave Can Hold My Body Down’ is a song accompanied by sign language. The entire song is read by a student from the Grandview High School Sign Language Club, and the CKC singers sign along with a part of the song. 


Mezzo Soprano: Gloria Park

Mandoneon: Heyni Solera

CKC Festival Orchestra

  • Misa a Buenos Aires (Tango Mass) by Martin Palmeri
  • Hungarian Dance No. 1 by Brahms
  • Arariyo by Jisoo Lee
  • Habanera from opera Carmen by Bizet
  • Baba Yetu by Christopher Tin
  • Pumba Taryung by Taehyu Kim
  • Ain’t No Grave Can Hold My Body Down arr. Caldwell & Ivory

Ticket on sale on September 16, 2024

Concert Photos